Why use Litespeed Cache for WordPress?

We recently replaced Fastest Cache for WordPress with Litespeed, which we also use for our clients. The actual performance changes can be clearly seen in the images below. The improvements have been more than obvious and we are very happy with the results. The Litespeed cache has proven to be a reliable and effective tool for increasing site speed and overall performance. We are confident that this change will have a positive impact on our customers’ experience on their websites and lead to better engagement and conversions.

Kaj je LiteSpeed Cache?

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LiteSpeed Cache is a plug-in for optimising the speed of your web pages, based on the LiteSpeed web server. It is one of the fastest dynamic content caching solutions available for use on web servers. With LiteSpeed Cache you can speed up your website loading, improve user experience and reduce server load. The plugin works by caching static files and then quickly serving them to users, meaning the page loads faster and with less load on the server. LiteSpeed Cache is easy to install and can be used on a variety of platforms including WordPress, Magento, Joomla and Drupal.

Primerjava med Litespeed cache in Fastest Cache

Litespeed Cache and Fastest Cache are caching plugins for WordPress websites that aim to improve the speed and performance of your website. Litespeed Cache is known for its exceptional speed and performance, as it is built specifically for the Litespeed web server. It also has advanced features such as image optimisation and database optimisation. On the other hand, Fastest Cache is a popular caching plugin that is compatible with several web servers and offers similar features such as minification and browser caching. Both plugins offer a free version and a premium version with additional features. Finally, the choice between Litespeed Cache and Fastest Cache will depend on the specific needs of the website and the web server on which it is hosted. You can check our changes on the GTMetrix historical data:

Why choose Neoserv over Hostko?

Hosting is also very important in optimising the loading speed of websites. We only realised this when we migrated our websites from Hostko hosting to Neoserv. Now we can finally benefit from the full power of litespeed caching. Hostko’s servers were not performing the best even with Litespeed cache installed (even though they have the most expensive packages). The solution there was to install the Fastest Cache plugin which we improved to a 99% rating with a combination of Asycn JS, Assets Cleanup, A3 Lazy load.


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