Exponential growth for online learning

According to UNESCO, more than 1.5 billion children and adolescents in 165 countries are being educated from home due to the outbreak of COVID-19. As most offices have moved to home and unemployment rates are on the rise, the use of online learning and online classrooms will grow exponentially even among the working class. E-learning platforms have been around for decades, but until now they have not been able to produce the kind of transformational impact long promised by digital academics. With the Coronavirus, however, all of these distance-learning platforms suddenly proved invaluable. The growth of learning platforms is increasing even though people could not foresee such possibilities before due to poor infrastructure and other socio-economic problems.
The growth of online learning platforms
Photo by Julia M Cameron from Pexels
With the exponential growth of e-learning platforms, the interest of investors and the inflow of money into the mentioned niche is also increasing. As more money flows into a niche, technology usually starts to advance a little faster. With this, we can expect major changes in the field of e-learning.

Artificial intelligence

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Artificial intelligence-based e-learning platforms will be equipped to identify and assess students’ level of understanding and suggest customized learning paths. AI-powered content analytics enables personalized and learner-centric approaches – these would be based on the learner’s intellectual level, from kindergarten to higher education to even corporate training. Developing these solutions is no longer a daunting task with the advent of AIaaS or “AI as a Service” – now these solutions are easy to implement and deliver beneficial benefits.

Augmented Reality (AR)

AR solutions bring greater engagement, excitement, and innovation to e-learning platforms, making content more consumable, enjoyable, and valuable. Augmented reality techniques will be widely used to increase student engagement with activities rather than the traditional methodology of learning to read and write. Augmented reality can also be used to offer customized learning options to suit students with different needs with special needs to learn better, as AR includes gesture, voice recognition, and image rendering experiences.

Virtual and remote laboratories

The simulation lab virtually allows users to stay connected via the Internet to a remote physical system and perform online technical experiments. Students can expand their in-depth knowledge in the fields of control systems, programming, database, and various other web applications, tools and technologies. Virtual labs are also very useful for performing experiments that are usually too expensive, dangerous to perform, or unavailable. They also allow students to repeat the experiment multiple times, giving them the opportunity to see how changing parameters and settings affect the result without wasting resources.

Internet of Things (IoT)

The number of devices that will be part of the Internet of Things (IoT) by 2025 will be approximately 75 billion. The rise of IoT will further enhance the e-learning experience. We are already seeing how mobile learning enables learners to access e-learning courses with absolute freedom of time and place. We will be looking at more content in the form of images and videos in the future. 24X7 access to the Internet through a number of wearables will transform assessment for teachers from “memorizing and writing”, “assessing and clarifying concepts on the go”.


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