How to customize Intercom Launcher

Recently, the use of conversational applications such as Intercom or e.g. Drift. It mostly appeared in more serious companies that consciously use a sales funnel and actively acquire customers.

Intercom is a live chat system for support, sales and marketing teams. Its three main modules include a live chat module to communicate with users, an automated email module to help convert users into buyers, and an educational module to answer user questions. You've probably seen Intercom's Launcher or a dialog widget pop up in some corner of a web page and maybe ask you "Do you need help".

Applying a style template in an iframe

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Intercom started using Iframes for their dialog widget simply to contain their styles in iframes. This was necessary because sometimes the styles from the webpage itself and the Intercom widget collided and the result was a broken design on the webpage or conversation widget. Therefore, without applying (injecting) a style template in the iframe, design is no longer possible.

Create a custom dialog widget

A custom widget gives you more control over its appearance and behavior. This is the "official" and recommended way to customize the launcher. First, we create a link with a mailing address that serves as a fallback if Intercom is not already running. Don't forget to replace YOUR_APP_ID.

The trick is to initialize Intercom with the custom_launcher_selector parameter option. This selector should match the mailto connection we just created. By creating onShow, onHide, and onUnreadCountChange callbacks, we have full control over the Intercom widget's events. Let's show how to easily work with callbacks and how to start the intercom in general. We leave the design and style suggestions to you to customize as you wish.

If you need help adjusting Intercom's conversational component, please contact us without hesitation. If you are still wondering how or why you should start using Intercom, but you still don't have the right answer, you can also contact us for more information .


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