SEO search engine optimization basics
Do you also feel like SEO search engine optimization ( Search Engine Optimization ) is one big mess? Every article you read does not contain exact guidelines, but the predictions of a mass of researchers and consultants who managed to beat Google’s ranking of ten hits. What are the basic techniques that the consultants think should work? Do you want SEO optimization to become your friend? Get to know her below.
1. Write about a specific topic as in-depth as possible
Most beginners learning SEO optimization first learn about keyword research. However, traditional keyword research and optimization is no longer necessary. It is recommended that SEO optimization be used for content where we focus on a specific topic and not on a keyword. Thus, we will achieve better results if we study the chosen topic and then write a comprehensive, in-depth article, using keywords as guidelines for writing. At the same time, such articles will cover hundreds (or even more) of keywords.
2. Re-SEO optimization of website content
Once an article is published, most of us forget about it and don’t realize its potential. It is recommended that we periodically (for example every 3 months, half a year, or a year) audit the content of our website. Namely by improving the articles, combining them, or even removing them. Let’s not forget, SEO optimization can be done multiple times on existing content.
Keyword optimization
In the previous paragraphs, we learned that in-depth topic coverage is required when writing articles. When we publish new content, it will start collecting impression data in the Google Search Console. Many times, however, this content does not have a specific keyword in mind. And even if the content is good, the probability that it will appear on the first search pages is low. Here, however, we can help with the Google Search Console, which shows which keywords Google associates with the articles found. With this knowledge, we can then reformulate the article by precisely targeting the main topic, accompanied by exactly one or more keywords.
Audit and optimization of internal links
An internal link is a link from one page on our website to another. They are useful for SEO optimization since pages that are often mentioned on other pages are better scored. Also, internal links help Google’s crawlers to crawl and index our website more easily.
Therefore, it is recommended that we add at least one internal link every time we publish new content. The latter can be easily done by adding an internal link to the previous article in each new article. Depending on how often we create new content, we also perform 3-monthly, half-yearly or annual audits. We can also help with this with the Google Search console.
3. Development of a linkable asset and promotion of only this
A linking agent is that content that is effective in getting external links. Creating and promoting this content is critical to good SEO.
Developing a connector is relatively simple. We easily create unique, interesting, and useful content for our target group. Such content can be, for example, in-depth research studies.
Once we’ve created a link, it’s time to start promoting it. We may promote, for example, by contacting those who have an audience that would be interested in our affiliate content. Promotion can also be achieved by paying for external links to our linking tool.
4. Redirect Management and 404 Link Reclamation
When renovating an old version of a website, programmers often change the URL structure of the website either for structural reasons, SEO reasons, or for no reason at all. Having said that, it is crucial that we take care of redirecting the page. 301 redirects ensure that pages inherit previous properties when redirected. In case we forget to redirect the old link to the new one, visitors to the old URL will get a 404 error. Without redirect management, however, our site will most likely lose its current score and traffic. Therefore, it is imperative that we take care of the redirection to the relevant page or to the home page, in the event that such a page does not exist.
5. Facebook advertising and lookalike audiences
Even if we know the importance of connecting means, we often make the mistake of not using Facebook ads to promote only these. Facebook advertising campaigns can be extremely effective and the ROI can be huge when the campaigns are executed correctly. In addition, Facebook ads are extremely cheap, and the target group can be defined much more precisely.
When we understand the basics of Facebook advertising campaigns, it is undoubtedly worth getting to know a decent (English-lookalike) audience. It is an audience created by Facebook algorithms based on a specific audience or based on our best customers. The advantage of creating a lookalike audience is that we are able to target profitable customers and thus make better use of the money spent on advertising. We do this by simply assigning value to different groups of current customers. Better buyers thus receive a higher value. With this data, Facebook’s algorithm then helps to find a target audience of similar value to which we can advertise.
6. Experiment with content and personalization
User experience signals are an important factor for SEO optimization. Also, many marketing experts emphasize the importance of conversion rate optimization (CRO). So, for example, testing different landing pages can drastically increase conversion. We can also take a step further and experiment with the consequences of dynamically changing the marketing message or personalization of messaging according to different groups of people. For example, we can change the call to action based on the search string that brought the person to our website.
SEO search engine optimization is a fast and constantly changing industry. Techniques and strategies that worked a couple of years ago are not only probably no longer suitable, they can even harm our business. Therefore, if we want to stay on top, it is important to constantly read, learn and try new approaches. Which SEO optimization strategies do you prefer to use?